Include polyoxymethylene, polyamide, polycarbonate, ABS, polyphenylene oxide, polyethylene terephthalate, polysulfone, polyether sulfone, polyimide, polyphenylene sulfide and so on. 主要包括聚甲醛、聚酰胺、聚碳酸酯、ABS、聚苯醚、聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯、聚砜、聚醚砜、聚酰亚胺、聚苯硫醚等。
Polyphenylene oxide was successfully added to phenolic resin during the syn-thesis process by using a modifying agent XPY, and a new modified environmental phenolic plastic was made. 使用一种改性剂XPY,在酚醛树脂的合成过程中成功引入了聚苯醚,制得了一种新的改性环保型酚醛塑料。
SEBS Melt Grafted by Maleic Anhydride and its Effect on the Properties of Polyphenylene Oxide ( PPO)/ Nylon-6 Alloy 马来酸酐(MAH)接枝SEBS及其对PPO/PA6合金性能的影响
Application of Thermosetting Polyphenylene Oxide Resin for High Frequency Printed Circuit Boards 热固性聚苯醚树脂在高频印制电路板上的应用
The detecting capacitor injected with modified polyphenylene oxide ( MPPO) was used, the structure and molding technology of the detecting capacitor was improved. 采用改性聚苯醚注塑成型检测电容器。改进了电容器的结构和成型工艺,电容器的容量一致性好。
The ordered honeycomb Polyphenylene Oxide ( PPO) membrane was prepared by casting the solution on a solid substrate in a high humid environment; The mechanism of the formation of PPO honeycomb membrane was proposed. 以聚苯醚(PPO)为膜材质,在高湿度环境中用浇铸成膜的方法制得了具有规整蜂窝状孔结构的薄膜,探讨了聚苯醚规整多孔膜形成的机理;
The properties, physical and chemical modification, application, and research development of polyphenylene oxide at home and abroad were reviewed. 综述了聚苯醚(PPO)的性能、物理和化学改性、应用和国内外研究进展。
Fabrication of Polyphenylene Oxide Honeycomb Membranes and the Influence of the Solvents 聚苯醚蜂窝状多孔膜的形成及溶剂对孔形态的影响
Study on Cyanate Ester Resin Modified with Polyphenylene Oxide 聚苯醚改性氰酸酯树脂的研究
Research of Polyphenylene Oxide Modified Environmental Glass Fiber Reinforced Phenolic Plastic 聚苯醚改性环保型玻纤增强酚醛塑料的研究
Development of thermosetting resins for printed circuit boards in Japan was reviewed in this paper. There were epoxy, phenolic, polyamide, thermosetting polyphenylene oxide, cyanate and other special resins. 综述了日本近年在印制电路板基材中热固性树脂的发展,其中包括:环氧树脂、酚醛树脂、聚酰亚胺树脂、热固性聚苯醚树脂,氰酸酯树脂和特殊热固性树脂。
Application 0f the modified polyphenylene oxide in the electronic yarn clearer 改性聚苯醚在电子清纱器上的应用
The characteristic of thermosetting polyphenylene oxide resin copper clad laminates as wel as their application in the high frequency printed circuit board is introduced. 论述了热固性聚苯醚树脂基覆铜板的特性及其在高频印刷电路板上的应用。
Recent Progress in Polyphenylene Oxide Alloys 聚苯醚合金的研究进展